Below you will find a list of Trainee ICU Teachers.
Only teachers who have taken the ICU Teacher Training will be added to this page.
The following people have taken part in an extensive training course and are in the process of completing their training by conducting case studies to be submitted and assessed to qualify.
If you are approached and asked if your child would be willing to take the training as a case study, please notify the Academy to verify the status of the trainee teacher.
Should a trainee teacher be in your area and you & your child are willing to be a case study for him/her them please make direct contact.
Trainee Teachers are skilled and have enough information to work with children, whilst completing their training.
We DO NOT teach children online
If you have any concerns about a teachers, please do not hesitate to email the Academy
It is the intention of the ICU Academy to provide humanity with the highest quality ICU Teachers to take this work forward.
“The Children Are Our Future”
Please use one of the following location links to find a trainee teacher in your country.